Sara Harris is a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist (Voice). She was a founder member of the Sidcup Voice Clinic which later became the Lewisham Voice Disorders Unit. She was one of the co-founders of the Voice Research Society (now the British Voice Association) and a joint editor of The Voice Clinic Handbook in 1998. Her updated chapter on the treatment of voice disorders for second edition of the Voice Clinic Handbook was published in 2018.
Sara retired from the NHS in 2018 but continues to co-work with singing teacher and rehabilitation coach, Linda Hutchison. She also covers for the voice specialist SLT as necessary in the Lewisham Voice Disorders Unit and maintains her links with the British Voice Association.
Sara’s Course
Vocal Health – 13 December 2020
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Sara Harris is a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist (Voice). She was a founder member of the Sidcup Voice Clinic.