- September 5, 2014 6:00 pm –
September 7, 2014 4:00 pm
Friday 5 – Sunday 7 September 2014
Stylish Baroque
Theresa Caudle & Alastair Ross
Course No. 3105
Level: Advanced
Fee: £190
Unfortunately this course is fully booked!
A Baroque chamber music course for both individual players and pre-formed groups, preferably on instruments at A415, although it may be possible to accommodate a group at A440. Experts in their field, Theresa (violin and cornett) and Alastair (harpsichord and organ) will help, encourage and cajole you to greater stylishness in your performance of 17th and 18th century music. The weekend will be spent working in small groups, pre-formed or put together by the tutors and at least one session will be spent with everyone playing together.