Expired Singing Handel with Rosa Mannion

  • February 28, 2014 6:00 pm –
    March 2, 2014 4:00 pm

Friday 28 Feb – Sunday 2 March
Singing Handel
Rosa Mannion
Accompanist – Jonathan Kenny TBC
Course No. 3084
Level: Advanced
Fee: £190

Explore and celebrate some of Handel’s wonderful arias with an aficionado of his music. Choose from his operas or oratorios which exemplify his most important consideration when writing for voice: depiction of character and expression of feeling. We will look at the dramatic intention behind them as well as experiment with decoration, style and deal with the technical issues they highlight. Many are preceded by extra-ordinarily beautiful recitatives, and we will explore their dramatic influence on the arias. Please memorise at least two arias and we will then have the joy of performing them in a concert at the end of the course.

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