Jackdaws Songbirds by Alan Denison (Frome Wessex Camera Club) at Frome Festival 2019

Jackdaws Songbirds are a friendly, informal choir who meet weekly during term time to sing together in a relaxed environment.

There are no auditions and no previous singing or music experience is required! Songs are taught by ear; music notation is available to those who read, but reading isn’t necessary. Our aim is to enjoy singing together in harmony and to explore different types of music: traditional and modern, from Britain and beyond.

The three groups meet in Frome – 

Jackdaws Songbirds

Monday Afternoon – this group meet from 1.30pm – 2.45pm at Rise, Whittox Lane, Frome.

You are most welcome to bring your babies, pre-schoolers and toddlers to the Monday session! We sing for an hour, parents and carers are welcome to bring toys for the toddlers to play with. We don’t expect pre-schoolers to be quiet, and we don’t expect full attention from parents! In a typical session, children may play on their own for a bit, require some attention for a bit, and may even listen in now and then. At 2.30pm the toys are cleared away and we sing a few songs with the children.

Tuesday Teatime – this group meet from 5pm – 6.30pm at Selwood Academy, Berkley Road, Frome.

All ages from 13 years are welcome.

Wednesday Evening – this group meet from 7.30pm – 9.00pm at Selwood Academy, Berkley Road, Frome.

All ages from 16 years are welcome.

All three groups learn roughly the same songs and Songbirds singers come together for various informal performances throughout the year, including a summer concert as part of Frome Festival.

Places are available all groups.

Please contact Songbirds Leader, Caroline Radcliffe 





Tuesday and Wednesday group fees are £5 per session, paid as a half term block.

For the Monday group fees are £4 per session when paid as a half term block, or you can pay a drop-in fee of £5.

Reduced Fees available on request, in confidence.

For more information, please contact jackdawssongbirds@gmail.com