We are very sorry that due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we have decided to postpone these sessions. If you are interested in attending in the future, please email us at music@jackdaws.org

Hop Skip and Sing SessionEggs Music Sessions are fun and educational music classes for babies and toddlers, using singing games, movement and rhymes. For children 0 – 5 years with parents, led by Eliza Wylie on Mondays, 10-11am at Jackdaws in the beautiful garden studio overlooking the Rose Garden with a large outside area to play and learn in. We aim to inspire a lifelong love of music, and to develop language and communication skills. Classes provide a sound basis for future instrumental study.
The Jackdaws cafe will also be open for tea, coffee and cake.
£6 drop in or £5 per session if you book the whole term.

20th April
27th April
4th May
11th May
Half Term – No sessions 18th or 25th May
1st June
8th June
15th June
22nd June
29th June

Eliza Wylie has been teaching music and dance to people of all ages since 2002. Her groups use a mixture of unaccompanied songs and rhymes, some of which will be familiar, and some will be new. As well as using our voices we also do a lot of moving; wiggling, swishing through the air, bouncing and clapping so children and parents quickly understand how to listen for and move to the beat. Our aim is for our children to start singing, continue singing, and never to develop a complex about not being able to sing.
Booking has now closed.