Onyx Brass Quintet
Celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2018, Onyx Brass continues to be the leading light in establishing the brass quintet as a medium for serious chamber music, presenting it in the entertaining and articulate style that has become the group’s trademark.

BBC Music Magazine described the group as “easily the classiest brass ensemble in Britain”, and Gramophone hailed “some of the most thrilling chamber brass-playing of its kind”.
Education is a large part of the remit of Onyx Brass: workshops and master-classes range from Primary School to the Juilliard School. The group is currently resident ensemble of Imperial College, University of London.
During 2014, Onyx Brass toured the country, bringing contemporary brass music to bandstands, parks and public spaces with a project called Tour de Brass! – part of the PRSF New Music Biennial.
The Onyx Brass Quintet are:
- Niall Keatley, trumpet
- Alan Thomas, trumpet
- Andrew Sutton, horn
- Amos Miller, trombone
- David Gordon-Shute, tuba
Listen to Onyx Brass on Soundcloud.